Mount Hope Christian School - "Christmas Hang-ups"

"Christmas Hang-ups" - Musical for Children at Mount Hope Christian School - December 2018.

NOTE: Please DO NOT COPY and distribute this video. The process of setting up the recording equipment, filming the show, storing the data, editing the video, rendering the files, printing and burning the 100-year archival-grade discs and finally packaging and shipping the final product is quite expensive. The entire price charged covers the cost of all of this. The quality is professional and the memories are priceless. This is done, not for profit, but as a favor for a private Christian school with a mid-level tuition. If you are interested in purchasing multiple copies of the show, please email Scott for a request.


NOTE: For best results, use a set-top Blu-ray or DVD Player. Check out the Troubleshooting Guide for more information.

Radiation Amnesty - 2018

Join us for the experience that is Health Physics, and Radiation Amnesty...

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The Footlight Club - August: Osange County - September 2013

Posted: January 27, 2013

Find this in the store.

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The Footlight Club - Cabar7A - May 2013

Cabar7A - The 7 Deadly Sins Part II - May 2013

Posted: May 17, 2013

Watch the clips of The Footlight Club's Annual Fundraiser, Cabar7A, below! I'm at about the half-way point with editing the show. I always forget how challenging the acoustics are in the Parker Room. There's nothing that can be done so I deal with what I've got and try not to worry about it too much and when this realization finally sinks in, the process goes much faster and more smoothly. Although, I'm working on building a parabolic microphone which could help remedy this issue. Let's hope it works in the manner I've predicted. Preliminary tests indicate that it may work well.

When I'm finished editing Cabar7A - The 7 Deadly Sins Part II, and it is ready to ship, I'll put up a Paypal link here.

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"Gorgeous" (video currently unavailable)

Cabar7A - The 7 Deadly Sins Part II

And "Taylor the Latte Boy" (video currently unavailable)

Cabar7A - The 7 Deadly Sins Part II

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The Footlight Club - Parade - April 2013

Posted: April 25, 2013

Order The Footlight Club's "Parade" and watch the clip below!

Posted: April 13, 2013

The Footlight Club's "Parade" is almost ready to ship! Can you believe it!? This was a great show and easy to film. The new guy working the sound was very helpful because he's not from theater. That sounds wrong. Yes it does. Stand by for the final announcement for shipping. Although, feel free to order a copy now, but it won't ship for another [insert amount of time here]. Check back periodically.

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Older projects returning soon, thanks for your patience while reconstruction continues...

© 1991 - 2019 - Scott O'Riorden (except previously copyrighted material contained within)